Monday, November 2, 2009

Any Suggestions Out There??

One of my son’s biggest challenges, and it has an impact on so many parts of his life, is getting and staying organized. I suggest, cajole, advise, counsel, recommend… and still there is a new problem (it seems) every time I see him.

Edit…edit. I was going to list things that had fallen through the cracks since he left, but why beat a dead horse. Just go back and look at some of the entries.

This weekend he told me he had basically lost (forgotten in the bathroom) three bottles of shampoo/body wash, pretty much all in the past week or so.

He’s got a shaving kit, but apparently not everything fits, so it’s pretty easy to leave something behind (apparently). He took a plastic shoe-box back to school yesterday that might work better in terms of fit. But it will only help if he uses it.

Anyone have any suggestions??

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