Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Time To Give

Back in early September, one of my entries was about the pediatric rehabilitation hospital in which my son spent several weeks following hospitalization for meningo-encephalitis. That particular page was forwarded to lawmakers in my state because the hospital had lost some vital funding.

I included the hospital’s development office in on my correspondence with my local representative, so they would know how much we appreciated what they had helped my son accomplish in the period following his illness. The hospital subsequently wrote an article about my son in their monthly newsletter.

Now they have asked my son to help out with their annual fund-raising radio-thon. He is very excited to be doing this, and will take the bus into town for the event tomorrow as soon as he has finished his last class. I hope to be there with him, work schedule permitting!

If any readers would like to hear my son talk about some of his experiences, health issues and rehabilitation therapy please visit the radio station’s web site and click on “Listen Live.” The fund raiser will be going on all day, and my son should be on the air between 5 PM and 6 PM, Eastern Time. If you can give a little to this great cause, that would be great. If not, I hope it will be uplifting to hear my son’s story and some of those of other past and current patients. Thanks! Back Monday.

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