Monday, August 9, 2010

Sorry - Major Distraction!

In keeping with the goal of this weblog, let me tell you once again that my son is really doing well this summer. He has renewed his driver’s permit, and I went out last Saturday with his instructor and my son really did well – I was suitably impressed! He played Frisbee a couple of times a week and went out afterward with the group once or twice. He met up with a friend from college who has been living nearby for the summer, and they tossed the disc and hung out for an afternoon.

He has now left with his sister to visit family on the Left Coast, and we well meet in the Midwest in a week and a half to visit with grandparents and other family members before we drive home.

The distraction of the title is the loss of my job, in this difficult employment market. We are moving forward with the planned vacation and I already have several irons in the fire that I will follow up on before my husband and I leave. I will remain tethered to the job search by my cell phone and the laptop we will be traveling with!

My son resumes classes on September 2, at which point I hope to be able to pick up the blog on a daily basis once again.